4 Inexpensive Promotional Products New Businesses Can Offer

by Jeremy Smith

When promoting a new business, luring in new customers is always important, and so is reaching your target audience. However, you may not have a lot of money starting out, so advertising on a tight budget is even more important. Fortunately, many options exist that can help you spread the word to others, and even instill a little pride with your employees. Below are four marketing tools your company can offer to help spread a little more word of mouth.


Millions drink a cup of coffee each morning as they prepare for work or school. With personalized coffee mugs, your company's official brand sits on the outside of the mug your customers drink out of each day. Every time they reach for their cup, they get a subtle reminder of the various services you and your organization offers.


Just like coffee mugs, keychains are another commonly used item, as they hold the passageways to your house, car, mailbox, and other important belongings. Some personalized keychains are customizable to include company information, including ways to contact you. However, other custom keychains also celebrate happy events in one's life, such as a wedding or birth of a child.

Office Supplies

Personalized pens are possibly the most popular type of office supply, or at least the most common. How often have you used an ink pen, then noticed a company's name printed across the side, along with a phone number? A custom ink pen is an easy way to spread the word, and like so many other products, casually reminds your clients exactly what you have to offer. Many businesses offer them at career fairs on behalf of the company, or even as a free gift during giveaways.

You can also get your company's name printed on many other office supplies, such as staplers, highlighter pens, or letter openers. Whether you hand these out at job fairs or keep them for the employees' use, they may offer either a sense of company pride or an idea of what you offer.


Promotional bags make for a great gift that can represent your company when you least expect it. By giving away a tote bag or backpack to employees or through a giveaway, you immediately present a marketing opportunity. When someone goes to work out or travels, they are taking your name with them, whether it is at the gym or in another city. That could be enough to turn heads, raise a few eyebrows, or spark conversation.